Here is a collection of best Puzzle sms, New Puzzle sm puzzle sms Urdu, puzzle sms for Whatsapp, I love you in puzzle sms puzzle sms in Hindi, Urdu riddles, puzzle sms for WhatsApp in Hindi, question answer sms and free puzzle messages for a girlfriend by Puzzle sms, Best collection of puzzle sms, latest puzzle sms with Answer.
Latest Urdu Puzzle Sms | Latest Puzzle Sms in Urdu
Challenge for you
A boy, a girl was Tight every day.
Frustrated girl that one day she will
tell you my name yesterday And the
Next day to tell him that I told you is
What I will get married to you.
The next day the girl tells the boy to
Come and marry you if you gave me
The flowers close My love story.
Now you tell me what that is name.
The name is in the message.
Challenge for you.
Puzzle sms with Ans
During a family meeting; the following peoples were present:
Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Aunt, Uncle, Niece, Cousin, and Nephew. But, only four peoples were present.
How is this possible?
The meeting was a group of a Brother (with his Son or Daughter) & a Sister (with her Daughter or Son).
Life is very Simple
Think,Before Scrolling Down
Answer Is 1
See the First Line..
Moral : Life Is Very Simple.