Best Words of Encouragement to Lift your Day
Best Motivational Quotes SMS Messages. New Encouragement Messages For My Loved Ones check online.
I’ve always admired you. I know you can do anything if you try hard enough, and nothing can stop you from being the best. There’s nothing holding you back. I believe in you, buddy!
when we are on a mission for SUCCESS, We’ve 2 cross 3 stages
Fools stop at d 1st
Losers stop at d 2nd
winners cross d 3rd.
We Will Open The Book. Its Pages Are Blank We Are Going To Put Words On Them Ourselves The Book Is Called “OPPORTUNITY” .
Each of us represent a star in d sky,
Sometimes we shine with d rest & Sometimes we twinkle alone!
But sometimes we fall to make someone’s dreams come true!!
Never stop dreaming, fella. You have the greatest mind and the biggest heart, just don’t be afraid to use it. There are books written about people like you. I believe in you, always have and always will.
You are my guiding light, mate. The best thing that has ever happened to me, everything I need. I know you will achieve your every goal, and I will be extremely proud of you, as usual. Never give up!
When Ever you are Criticized, don’t get Upset.
Always remember this…..
No stones are thrown on a Fruitless Tree.
Being your friends is such a blessing. You are the most talented and unique person I know, and being able to see you becoming everything you’ve ever wanted to be is amazing. Keep your head up, bud.
Never Conclude
your Capacity On your Present Situation…
B’Coz TIME has
the Power…
to change Ordinary Coal into a Diamond
I know you’re trying so hard to reach your goals, and I can sure you that karma sees it all. You will be rewarded sooner or later, and I will be there to be happy for and with you. You can do anything, and I believe in you.
The only way to survive during hard times is to face it with no fear. You should know that it’s absolutely normal to have hard times and be ready to fight for your happiness.
Good days come suddenly, when we don’t expect them to come. And it what makes us doubly happy. So don’t despair and you’ll see that bad times will end very soon. Just a little patience.
There are only
*There are only ..
2 ways to live your life…
One is as though ..
nothing is a miracle…
The other is as though ..
everything is a miracle